Getting Paid: Setting The Hourly Rate in Your Private Practice. Is It Time To Set A New Fee?7/25/2022 Is it time for you to reevaluate whether you’re charging the right amount for your psychotherapy services?
With all the talk about money and prices due to the increased costs of goods and services—and the recent rise in inflation—that everyone is experiencing, many therapists are seriously thinking about, wondering, or seriously considering raising the prices for their services. It’s one of the main topics of conversation in professional circles these days. Since so many therapists are thinking of or increasing their rates, they are also concerning themselves with how to balance the humanistic and business side of running, growing, and sustaining a private practice at the same time. Do you need a better way to set your hourly fee—one based on your values and what you need to earn from your practice in order to thrive financially and emotionally? If so, here are four very practical articles that can help with that. Each article offers simple strategies and good advice for how to set your rate so that you are paid what you’re worth and you don’t burn out meeting with clients. Some of the helpful things you’ll find in the articles:
Consider these articles as new tools in your Fee-Setting Toolbox:
Whether you decide to increase your prices or not, there will most likely be a thing or two in these articles that will help facilitate your decision and comfort with it. Lynne Azpeitia, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor, is in private practice in Santa Monica where she works with Couples and Gifted, Talented, and Creative Adults across the lifespan. Lynne’s been doing business and clinical coaching with mental health professionals for more than 15 years, helping them develop even more successful careers and practices. To learn more about her in-person and online services, workshops or monthly no-cost Online Networking & Practice Development Lunch visit or
The use of a ListServ is one of the most overlooked resources available to licensed and pre-licensed therapists whether you’re in private practice or working for an agency, community mental health, or other mental health services organization. Good for introverts and extroverts alike, a ListServ is a great way for members of an organizational community to interact with each other online.
Using a ListServ allows you to communicate with a large group of users with a single message—and extends your reach in the organization as well as the professional community. It’s a quick and cost-effective solution to delivering a message or request and sharing the value of your services and expertise whether you are looking for clients, a job, a referral, hours for licensure or certification, training, exam prep, an office to sublet, to share a resource or presentation, and much more. ListServ, e-tree, e–list, email forum, member-to-member email service or communication—whatever you want to call it—is an easy way for a group of people—members of the organization’s community—to get to know each other, communicate, connect, and interact with each other online through the organization’s specialized e-mail channel. On a ListServ, users post messages that other group members can see, which further encourages the development of a professional community and increases the engagement of people over time. Subscribers can either respond to the individual or the whole list. While the amount of traffic for each ListServ varies, if you find the number of messages overwhelming, you can easily unsubscribe. Since the purpose of an organization’s Listserv is to facilitate collegial interaction and the exchange of professional and clinical information within the organization’s community, ListServs are available to members of associations or chapters of an association at no cost! They’re a benefit of membership. Yes, that’s right, this useful and popular resource is free! How a ListServ Works Messages delivered through a ListServ are received by individuals through their email accounts. You must be a member to participate—access, see, read, and receive messages, post a message, or reply to a ListServ posting. When you post to a ListServ, you send your email to the ListServ’s central email address and then your email is automatically sent out to all members who have subscribed or opted in to receive the emails sent to the ListServ community. With one email, your message—request, announcement, question, comment or reply, etc.—is sent out to everyone on the ListServ. All ListServ members can view the original e-mail and read it and respond or read it or delete it without reading. Listserv messages include announcements for office space, groups, workshops, jobs, internship opportunities, specialized services, and resources; case consultation and sharing techniques; announcement of chapter events; updates on topics relevant to our profession; dialogue and discussion regarding clinical, professional, and ethical questions or topics; as well as announcements about professional development and continuing education presentations, conferences, and events—and more! When someone responds to a message, unless they reply directly just to the person who sent the message, the responses are also received and viewed by all members of the community. This creates an open communication network among the ListServ members, and de facto, a virtual group discussion. Should you feel you’re receiving too many emails from the ListServ community, it’s easy to opt out. When you do, the emails stop immediately. ListServs are easy to join and to opt out. Here are some ListServs available locally, check them out: CAMFT Chapter ListServs San Gabriel Valley CAMFT E-Tree Long Beach-South Bay CAMFT Member-to-Member Email Service LA-CAMFT Private Facebook Group open to members of LA-CAMFT and non-members who are in or affiliated with Mental Health. With 1200 plus in the group, it’s a great place to get the word out about things, make requests, and have discussions. Glendale Area Mental Health Professionals ListServ GAMHPA ListServ Los Angeles County Psychological Association LACPA ListServ American Counseling Association ACA ListServ Joining ListServs in professional organizations and making and responding to posts is a wonderful way to market yourself, your expertise, your practice, or your services. Try it out and see for yourself! Lynne Azpeitia, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor, is in private practice in Santa Monica where she works with Couples and Gifted, Talented, and Creative Adults across the lifespan. Lynne’s been doing business and clinical coaching with mental health professionals for more than 15 years, helping them develop even more successful careers and practices. To learn more about her in-person and online services, workshops or monthly no-cost Online Networking & Practice Development Lunch visit or |
Lynne Azpeitia, LMFTFor 10+ years Lynne Azpeitia has helped therapists to live richer and happier lives through her workshops, private practice, clinical, and career coaching, and her practice consultation groups which train, support, and coach licensed and pre-licensed therapists, associates, & students how to create and maintain a successful, thriving clinical practice and a profitable and sustainable career, Archives
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